 Consumers & The Press
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**Updated 2/1/2007** Click on the related files or the appropriate web site links to find information on the following topics:
Victims' Stories: These cases tell the real stories, in words and pictures, of victims whose lives have already been turned upside down by the carelessness of others. A cap on non-economic damages would limit these victims' ability to recover for the pain and suffering they have endured.
The Frivolous Case for Tort Law Change: Report by the Economic Policy Institute that reveals, among other things, that there is no tort liability crisis.
Q & A on Caps: Responses to the most common misconceptions and misstatements made by those who want to impose caps on non-economic damages.
Committee for Justice for All: Link to committee's Web site "Say No to Caps"
Texas Study: A groundbreaking study released in March that proves that medical malpractice verdicts are not the cause of doctors' rise in premiums. For ATLA's summary of the study, click here.
BusinessWeek: Malpractice payouts represent less than 1 percent of country's overall health care costs.
HHS Data: New study from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows that not only has there not been a rapid increase in the number of suits--there has been at best a modest rise over the last decade--but that payments for malpractice claims against doctors and other medical professionals have turned sharply downward, falling 8.9 percent last year. Link is to the NYT abstract that reports on the HHS study; full article is available for purchase.
NCQA Report: National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) on Sept. 22, 2004 released its annual report that found widespread “quality gaps” contribute to 42,000 to 79,000 avoidable deaths every year, 66.5 million lost “sick days” and $1.8 billion in excess medical costs.
MCare Report: The Pa. Insurance Deptartment on May 17 released its Report on 2003 Health Care Provider Retention Program. The report shows that 33,031 individual doctors applied for taxpayer-funded state aid to help them pay their premiums to the state's catastrophic loss, or MCARE, fund. But according to the report, that number doesn't include 4,200 more doctors who had primary insurance coverage at the end of last year but did not apply for the state bailout. According to an Associated Press article, the number of physicians paying into the state's insurance fund was around 34,000 in 1998 and 35,000 in 2002. This data indicates that the number of physicians in Pa. is rising.
Pa. Supreme Court report on decline in med-mal filings: Table 1: Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice Case Filings: 2000 - 2003, Table 2: Medical Malpractice Jury Verdicts: January 2000 to July 2003; Table 3: Medical Malpractice Non-Jury Verdicts: January 2000 to July 2003
Congressional Budget Office report that found “Capping Awards in Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Would 'Do Little' To Slow Health Spending”;
New Mercyhurst College study that found decision makers don't have enough information to make any real determination about the causes of or solutions to the problem some doctors have had finding affordable malpractice insurance;
And more information from Pew can be found on its special section on medical liability in Pennsylvania www.medliabilitypa.org;
Pittsburgh Post Gazette series on med-mal: Articles report that there is a pattern of retribution against medical professionals who speak out about poor care;
- Check back here frequently for updated talking points, useful clips and questions and answers.
More about the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers
Over three decades ago, the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association was created to uphold and defend the American legal system, including trial by jury. In executing this mission, this Association proudly protects and enhances the rights of consumers, workers and other individuals. This Association fosters public awareness and understanding of the role of the trial lawyer in the administration of justice. It strives to improve the efficiency of the legal system, and provides information and training to assist all members in providing excellent service to their clients.
Select from the links on the left for topics of interests to you as a consumer.
Related Files
The Malpractice Crisis Myth
Susquehana Poll Results - Sept. 2005
Talking points on patient safety
Q & A about Caps
Facts about medical malpractice
No Fault Auto Insurance
MCare report
Pew Study: Caps are unfair
Prospective new med-mal insurers
Rally for Fairness