 Sections & Committees
These special practice groups serve as forums through which members network with their peers and discuss issues relating to specific areas of law. Members may choose to belong to any section test:
Automobile Law
Insurance Bad Faith
Medical Malpractice
New Lawyers
Workers' Compensation
Sections provide PaTLA members with additional benefits including:
Popular e-mail listservs
Special news alerts via fax or e-mail
Quarterly meetings
Selected discounts for books & seminars
Membership directory listings
Am I a section member?
If you're already a section member, you can access its listserv now: contact [email protected] or call (215)546-6451.
To become a section member through 2006, download and fill out an application, e-mail [email protected] or call our membership staff at (215)546-6451, option 3.
PaTLA's largest section, the Auto Law Section was created in 2001 to meet the demands of auto law practitioners. The section offers a variety of services & benefits including a newsletter, important news alerts, quarterly meetings and a very popular e-mail listserv with over 500 hundred users. The active members of the Auto Section listserv have found it to be among the most important benefits of their PaTLA memberships.
Section members pay $125 annually in addition to PaTLA member dues. For more information contact PaTLA at (215)546-6451, option 3.
Download a section application
The Insurance Bad Faith Section addresses the needs of trial lawyers practicing in this ever-changing area of the law. The section produces a newsletter, distributes special news alerts, holds occasional meetings and offers an e-mail listserv.
Section members pay $50 annually in addition to PaTLA member dues. For more information contact PaTLA at (215)546-6451, option 3.
Download a section application
Launched in 1996, the Medical Malpractice Section was created in response to the needs of members practicing in the field of medical negligence. The section supplies a quarterly newsletter, quarterly meetings, a defense expert witness bank, special news alerts and reduced rates for selected PaTLA seminars and products.
Med Mal Section members may access its defense expert bank by e-mailing [email protected] or by calling(215)546-6451.
In addition, we offer a plaintiffs’ only e-mail listserv for Med Mal Section members who meet specific eligibility requirements and who submit an affidavit. More info.
Section members pay $250 annually in addition to PaTLA member dues. For more info contact PaTLA at (215)546-6451, option 3.
Download a section application
The New Lawyer Section was formed to meet the unique needs of lawyers who have recently entered into the practice of P.I. law. Members who have been in practice less than 10 years receive reduced PaTLA membership dues and are automatically enrolled in the New Lawyer Section at no charge.
The section offers an e-mail listserv, social events, a quarterly newsletter, meetings and reduced rates for selected PaTLA events. New Lawyer Section members participate in community service projects, including mock trials in elementary schools to demonstrate the dangers of tobacco products.
Section membership is free. For more information, contact PaTLA at (215)546-6451, option 3.
PaTLA's Workers' Comp Section was established to address the needs of members representing claimants. The section elects 3 members annually to serve on the PaTLA Board of Governors. Section membership provides access to a popular e-mail listserv, quarterly newsletter, statewide meetings and special news alerts.
Section members pay $85 annually in addition to PaTLA member dues. For more information contact PaTLA at (215)546-6451, option 3.
Download a section application
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Download a section application