 E-Mail Listservs
Section E-Mail Listservs
PaTLA's most popular member benefit! Through a listserv, section members exchange e-mail messages with other members across the state. Members discuss a wide range of issues relating to their practices. On a listserv you can:
- see announcements of verdicts & decisions
- learn about current case law
- exchange briefs & pleadings
- discuss case strategies
- seek information about defense experts
- get recommendations for plaintiff experts
- share trial tactics
- refer cases
- ask about other counties' procedures
- hear about relevant legislation
- and much more
Members of our Auto, Workers' Comp, Bad Faith, Med Mal* & New Lawyer Sections can enroll in their respective listservs. Section membership requires additional dues (however the New Lawyer Section is free to all members who have been in practice less than 10 years). More about joining a section.
"Having access to the ideas of other attorneys on the listservs is like having dozens of 'partners' in the practice of law. Almost everyday, I learn something new."
Joseph J. Baldassari, Esq.
Furey & Baldassari, P.C.
Fairview Village, Montgomery County
"Why reinvent the wheel? I've saved countless hours of research, avoided mistakes, and most importantly obtained great case results."
Joseph M. De Simone, Esq.
Law Office of Joseph M. De Simone, P.C.
Bensalem, Bucks County
"Thank you for making the listserv such a great service for all of us who use it. I've picked up many tips on experts, cutting edge legal issues and trial strategy. The service has really been a great aid to my practice"
Slade H. McLaughlin, Esq.
The Beasley Firm
Philadelphia County
More comments
To enroll in your section's listserv: contact Kristy Mitchell at [email protected] or (215)546-6451.
Not sure if you're already a section member? Check your listing in the member directory.
* NOTE: Medical Malpractice Section Listserv is available only to members representing plaintiffs. Additional eligibility requirements. Click here for key information about this listserv.