 Member Services
The Benefits of PaTLA Membership
Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association Members are part of a prestigious & respected organization dedicated to excellence in representing clients and in preserving the trial advocacy system in Pennsylvania.
PaTLA works hard to help its members:
If you aren't already a PaTLA member, why not join today?
PaTLA’s strength lies in its ability to be both proactive and reactive, to actively pursue its vision for the future of trial lawyers and litigants, while being ever vigilant against the constant onslaught of those who would seek to strip away our clients’ rights.
I'm proud to be a Pennsylvania Trial Lawyer.
Nancy H. Fullam, Esq.
PaTLA President
McEldrew & Fullam, P.C.
121 South Broad Street, Suite 600 Philadelphia, PA, 19107
Tel 215.546.6451 Fax 215.546.5430
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